Friday, November 21, 2008

We went to a play!

I haven't given you an update in a while, and I'm sorry for that because Stanley has been quite busy. I did see that several of you made comments on one of the recent posts, and that was really fun for Stanley. He is so happy that you're reading about his adventures all the way from Ohio!

Many of you asked about Stanley going trick-or-treating and his costume, but unfortunately Stanley didn't get to go trick-or-treating because we were up at the mountain and there weren't any other houses around. Maybe he can go next year! We didn't carve a pumpkin either, even though we went to the pumpkin patch. Since we weren't home for Halloween, we wanted to be able to enjoy our pumpkin for a little longer, so it's still sitting on our porch, uncarved.

I liked the comment about the bee's nest looking like a burnt marshmallow. Nice imagination!

So back to what Stanley's been up to. The otehr weekend, Max and Elizabeth were in a play and Stanley got to go with us to watch. There was singing and dancing, card tricks and generally quite a lot of fun. The play was an adaptation of Rumpelstiltskin. The kids did a fabulous job.

Elizabeth was a wizard and Max was a gnome.

If you don't know the story, you can read it here.

I hope you're having a great week at school. WORK hard and learn lots!

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